Staffing Agency in Great Falls, MT

Bridging the gap between Great Falls’ talent and top employers.

Flexible Staffing in Great Falls, MT

Check out LC Staffing’s full range of staffing services. We offer everything businesses in Great Falls, Montana need, including temporary staffing, permanent placements, and specific recruiting help. We excel at finding the right people to help your business grow and succeed. Our goal is to connect you with the best workers who fit what your company needs and wants to achieve.

  • Contract
  • Contract-to-hire
  • Direct hire
  • Executive recruiting

Find Your Next Job with Our Employment Agency in Great Falls, MT

Move ahead in your career in Great Falls with LC Staffing. We know the Montana job market and give you access to opportunities that fit your skill set and career goals. LC Staffing is dedicated to helping you find your ideal job. With our expansive network and deep knowledge of the local employment landscape, we streamline your search and make it easier to find your match. We can connect you with job opportunities in engineering, finance, healthcare, technology, manufacturing, and skilled trades.

Contact Us

Great Falls


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